Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy

1. Improved Immune System
Ozone therapy can improve your immune system to fight off infection. Ozone can boost your immune system to reduce inflammation. Many people suffer from conditions that regularly cause areas of the body to become inflamed. Inflammatory markers are often found in the blood of people who suffer from asthma. Inflammation can lead to an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which health professionals refer to as oxidative stress. This type of stress is associated with pain and discomfort. People who regularly receive ozone therapy regularly report having reduced inflammation manageable which also keeps inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and Crohn’s disease under control. When speaking of Ozone, people tend to think of the Earth. To many’s surprise, it is also a powerful antioxidant. The antioxidative properties of Ozone help heal the damage caused by persistent inflammation. Healing the body and human DNA reduces the overall risk of infection or disease. In 2014, researchers concluded that ozone-related therapy is a legitimate option for inflammation treatment. Many chronic inflammatory diseases and immune-related disorders can significantly improve through ozone therapy.

2. Antibacterial, Anti-fungal, and Antiviral Abilities
Over time, bacteria have learned and adapted to resist antibiotics. Scientists constantly seek ways to prevent and find better treatments for fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. Continued studies of ozone found that it contains a layer of infection-control properties. Ozone therapy can solely resolve some acute bacterial infections. In the case of a tick bite Ozone cures the infection within 48 hours. Viral infections such as the flu harass people every year, especially in December. The good news is that Ozone therapy may help these infections as well.

3. Can Revert Brain Tissue Damage
After a person has suffered from a stroke, which deprives the brain of oxygen supply. The area of the brain that becomes damaged is known as the penumbra. The best course of action to reduce the damage is to restore the oxygen as quickly as possible. Interestingly enough, a study in 2012 found that a mix of oxygen and ozone gases supplied to the brain tissue not only stopped further damage but reverted the brain to its original state.

4. Reduced Risk of Repeat Heart Attacks
For people who have suffered from heart attacks, it is not uncommon for a heart attack to occur a second or third time. Evidence has been found that Ozone therapy can significantly reduce the chances of a repeat heart attack, the development of dead tissue from the lack of oxygen or abnormal or irregular heart rate also known as arrhythmia after a heart attack. The quicker that Ozone therapy is received the better. When patients quickly receive treatment and it is received frequently, the more they reduce the risk of a repeat heart attack.

5. Helps the Body Detox
No matter the amount of precautions we take, toxins are essentially unavoidable. Toxins can have adverse effects on the human body and the way it functions from its ability to heal itself to fighting off infection. That being said, there are steps we can take to fight back against toxins. The first way is improving our diet, and watching what we put into our bodies. The second way is regular ozone treatments. Ozone has been shown to speed up metabolism and improve overall health.

6. Heals Chronic Wounds
A number of studies have suggested that regular Ozone treatments may play a vital role in treating chronic wounds. Ozone Therapy has effectively been used on diabetic patients to help ulcers that have developed on their feet. Additionally, people who have suffered from painful mouth ulcers have found reduction and relief through Ozone medical therapy.

7. Pain Relief
Experts have predicted that 75-85% of people will suffer from back pain at some point of their life. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for a doctor’s visit. It costs Americans approximately $50 million in healthcare costs each year. Can Ozone help? You suggest right, it does. Health experts found that the ozone treatment’s anti-inflammatory properties can provide relief to back pain sufferers.

8. Repaired Stem Cells
Stem cells are constantly working to produce cells throughout the entire human body. Cells that provide aid to the heart, brain, nerves, and many other working parts of the body. Recent evidence shows that Ozone therapy can improve a cell’s ability to reactivate, which leads to quicker and better repair of broken cells.

9. Cell Oxygenation
Tissue death occurs when your tissues don’t have enough access to oxygen. People who suffer from Anemia have a higher risk of Hypoxia. Hypoxia can occur in areas such as the lungs during an asthma attack throughout the entire bloodstream. Ozone therapy may help select hypoxic tumors alongside chemotherapy and radiotherapy because it has the ability to provide the body with readily available oxygen.

10. Healthier Skin
In recent years, people have used Ozone therapy as a way to improve their skin.

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Disclaimer: Island of Health Inc. is not composed of licensed medical doctors and does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, or claim to cure any medical conditions. The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.